Your AI assisted shopping list generator
Say goodbye to endless wandering in the grocery store and hello to organized, customized lists. Groci is your go-to app for creating ingredient lists tailored to your meals, diet, or lifestyle.

Groci – Your Smart Grocery Companion
Can't decide what to eat? Groci can.

Have Allergies?
We got you covered.

Scan to Download Now!
Download on the App Store today.

Simple Lists?
At your fingertips.
Your Everyday Grocery Genius
Simple than you think, love it more than you think

Can't decide what to eat?
Get suggestions from more than 800+ worldwide cuisines
Wanna try a new dish but don't know what to buy?
Sometimes you want to cook something, but do not know the ingredients to buy? Groci will help.
Are you tired of thinking what to buy when doing your grocery?
Have a spesific dietary preference or are you working out? Try your personalized AI grocery list generator.
Where Value Outshines the Price.
Making Grocery Shopping a Breeze.
- 10 Searches Including
- 4 Suggestions
- AI Random Meal Suggestor
$3.99 / Month
Everything in Free + Unlimited Usage
"goodbye to endless wandering in the grocery store"
Elevating Your Value, Not Your Bill